A | acre |
AAPFCO | Association of American Plant Food Control Officials |
ABW | annual bluegrass weevils |
AI | active ingredient |
BMP | best management practice |
BOD | biological oxygen demand |
BPD | backflow prevention devices |
CA | calcium |
CaCO3 | calcium carbonate |
CEC | cation exchange capacity |
CNMP | Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plan |
CO3 | carbonate |
CU | coefficient of uniformity |
CWA | Clean Water Act |
DAP | diammonium phosphate |
DCD | dicyandiamide |
DI | deep and infrequent irrigation |
DU | distribution uniformity |
DULQ | distribution uniformity of the lowest quartile |
EC | electrical conductivity |
ECe | salt tolerance of turfgrass species |
ECL | Environmental Conservation Law |
ECw | electrical conductivity of water |
EIQ | Environmental Impact Quotient |
EPA | Environmental Protection Agency |
ET | evapotranspiration |
FUEIQ | field use EIQ rating |
g/L | grams per liter |
GCSA | Golf Course Superintendents of America |
GIS | geographic information system |
GPS | global positioning system |
GUS | groundwater ubiquity score |
HCO3 | bicarbonate |
IBDU | isobutylidene diurea |
IPM | integrated pest management |
IRPeQ | pesticide risk indicator for Quebec |
K | potassium |
K2O | potassium oxide |
Kc | crop coefficient |
Koc | soil adsorption |
lbs/A | pounds per acre |
LF | light and frequent irrigation |
LR | leaching requirement |
MAP | monoammonium phosphate |
MCL | maximum contaminant levels |
Mg | magnesium |
mg/L | milligrams per liter |
MOA | Memorandum of Agreement |
mPa | millipascal |
MSDS | Material Safety Data Sheets |
MU | methylene urea |
N | nitrogen |
Na | sodium |
NBPT | n-butylthiophosphoric triamide |
NCDC | National Climate Data Center |
NFPA | National Fire Protection Association |
NH4 | ammonium |
NH3 | ammonia |
NO2- | nitrite |
NO3- | nitrate |
NRCC | Northeast Regional Climate Center |
NYDEC | New York Department of Environmental Conservation |
NYS | New York State |
NYSDOH | NYS Department of Health |
NYSDOT | NYS Department of Transportation |
OEHD | Occupational and Environmental Health Department |
P | phosphorus |
P2O5 | phosphate |
PAWC | plant-available water capacity |
Pb | lead |
PET | potential evapotranspiration |
PIMS | Product Ingredient Manufacturer System |
PMEP | Pesticide Management Education Program |
PPD | Pesticide Properties Database |
PPE | personal protective equipment |
ppm | parts per million |
PSEP | Pesticide Safety Education Program |
RCRA | Resource Conservation Recovery Act |
RSC | residual sodium carbonate |
S | sulfur |
SAR | sodium adsorption ratio |
SC | scheduling coefficient |
SDWA | Safe Drinking Water Act |
SEQR | State Environmental Quality Review |
SPDES | State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System |
SSP | single superphosphate |
SWPPP | Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan |
TDS | total dissolved salts |
TMDL | Total Maximum Daily Load |
TN | total nitrogen |
TP | total phosphorus |
TSS | total suspended solids |
UAN | urea-ammonium nitrate |
UF | urea-formaldehyde |
USDA | United States Department of Agriculture |
USGS | United States Geological Survey |
VOC | volatile organic compound |
WIN | water insoluble nitrogen |
WIN PST | Windows Pesticides Screening Tool |
WSN | water soluble nitrogen |
Zn | zinc |