
With funding from the Golf Course Superintendents Association of America (GCSAA) and the participation of Cornell University scientists and educators, the BMP project has developed BMPs specifically for pollinators in New York State. These continued efforts demonstrate the ongoing commitment of the state’s golf industry to implement BMPs and expand the knowledge base when needed. The NYS BMP Executive Committee would like to thank GCSAA for funding this effort, Cornell University for providing its scientific expertise, the superintendents across the state who provided input, and the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation for reviewing the BMPs prior to publication.

BMP Statements

Pest Management Practices
  • Follow label information directing the application of pesticide when the plant may be in bloom and follow all BMPs to avoid impacting pollinators.
  • Inform nearby beekeepers in advance of applying pesticides so they have the option of moving their hives.
  • Use drift reduction methods to stay on target by using the latest spray technologies, such as drift-reduction nozzles to prevent off-site translocation of pesticide, use backpack sprayers when possible, and monitor wind to reduce drift.
  • Do not apply pesticides when pollinators are active. (Spray at night or in early morning/late evening and when air is calm.)
  • Before applying a pesticide, scout the area for both harmful and beneficial insect populations, and use pesticides only when populations present exceed a damage threshold.
  • If flowering weeds are prevalent, mow or remove them before applying pesticides.
  • Use pesticides that have a lower impact on pollinators.
  • Avoid applications during unusually low temperatures or when dew is present or forecast.
  • When possible, use spray or granular formulations of pesticides that are known to be less hazardous to bees (e.g., wettable powders).
  • Reduce planting dust from treated seeds: Use wax treated seeds, use deflectors on machinery, and be aware of dry/windy conditions.
  • Follow irrigation instructions carefully to ensure pesticides are washed from foliage into soil. In addition, non-ionic surfactant can help reduce the potential for drift.
  • Consider the use of biologicals (e.g., entomopathogens) and bio-based lures, baits, and pheromones as alternatives to insecticides for pest management.

  • Preserving and Enhancing Habitat
  • Utilize native species when renovating out-of-play areas.
  • Choose flowers of different shapes, sizes, and colors.
  • Choose species that bloom at different times of the year.
  • Include both perennials and annuals in native plant areas.
  • Choose south-facing sites whenever possible for establishing native areas.
  • Leave stems and coarse, woody debris in native areas for pollinator nesting.
  • Leave exposed patches of well-drained soil in native areas for pollinator nesting.
