New construction designs should consider integrating storage, mixing, and washing operations in an integrated chemical management system. Buildings and infrastructure are designed to account for the traffic and usage. The resulting design should provide a much better envelope of the operations compared to separately constructed areas. Integrated designs often include fuel storage and filling stations within the same containment areas.
While federal and state regulations or guidelines may apply to maintenance facilities, these areas are more likely to be subject to a number of local requirements, which may vary by county or town. Local building inspectors should be consulted during planning for new facilities to outline the permitting process and local requirements. Also, consider meeting with a representative from a NYDEC regional office and the local fire marshal. The NYSDEC requests a State Environmental Quality Review (SEQR) for new construction, which is administered by local governments. NYSDEC comments on SEQR as well as other interested and involved agencies.
For existing facilities, updating these areas does not necessarily require a new building as many changes can be easily attained. Information specific to pesticides storage and handling can be found in the Pests section of this web site.